Health & Safety Policy


Dear our Foodie Guests,

We are all concerned about the current state of the world due to Coronavirus (Covid-19) and if it is safe again to finally think about booking onto your Fork & Walk food tour. As such, we would like to be very transparent about the updates to the running of our food tours.

While we always have top-quality measures to ensure healthy & safety and delivery of our tastings to our guests, we have made further positive format changes to our food tours in-order to make you feel even more comfortable and safe. Also to reinforce our commitment to still giving you the best experience on our Fork & Walk Berlin foodie tours!

1. Changes: Public Food Tour 2. Private Food Tour: Reduced Prices

Previously on our Public Food Tours our motto of sharing food represented the culture, local way eating and communal experience. While we still very much value these ideals, we understand the current state of affairs calls for an even higher-standard of food delivery. As such:

1. Public Tour Changes – Each guest will receive ecologically-friendly plates & cutlery for each food stop (where not provided at street food stops) – Each guest will have the option to receive their very own tasting i.e. no shared food, unless the guests are happy to share.

There is no change to any of our food tour stops. We have thoroughly reviewed all our suppliers updated health & safety policies and recently taste tested (as we must ;)) all food stops. We have an excellent relationship with each of our suppliers and 100% trust & support their local food businesses. While we occasionally add a new eatery to our food tours (due to the ever changing food-landscape of Berlin) at this current stage we will stick to all our well-known suppliers.

2. Private Tour Reduced Prices Due to the current climate, we currently will only be running our private food tours. We want to give each of you the opportunity to access and afford our private food tour experiences. As such, we have reduced the per person cost of our private tours. For a full list of our private food tour experiences and prices, please visit this link: Private Food Tours.

If you have absolutely any concern about joining one of our food tours, please feel free to contact myself personally or directly via email (details on the signature below).

We very much look forward to eating with you!

All the very best,


Dov Selby

Founder & Manager


P: +49 (0)173 929 7290